Jeff Sutherland
Jeff Sutherland is the inventor and co-creator of Scrum. He is a West Point graduate, former fighter pilot and cancer researcher, as well as CTO of eleven different software companies. He launched the first Scrum team in 1993 and has shepherded its growth into almost every industry: finance, healthcare, higher education and telecom. His most recent book is Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
Learn more and contact Jeff at his companies website:
Scrum-Day YouTube Channel:
CSM und CSPO mit Jeff Sutherland
Erleben Sie ein Certified Scrum Master Training oder einen Certified Product Owner Seminar im Rahmen des Scrum-Days mit dem Erfinder von Scrum, Dr. Jeff Sutherland.
Bob Galen
Bob Galen: Bob wird leider nicht zum Scrum-Day kommen können. Er hat am letzten Wochenende einen leichten Schlaganfall erlitten und darf nicht fliegen. Evtl. wird er uns am Dienstag Abend per Videobotschaft ein Grußwort zukommen lassen. Gunther Verheyen ist als "Ersatzmann" für Bobs Keynote eingesprungen.
Bob Galen is an author, podcaster, teacher, conference speaker, and a top Enterprise-level agile coach. He’s been coaching organizations since 2000 on how to effectively “be Agile” and deliver on all of its promises. He is the author of three agile-related books, Agile Reflections, Scrum Product Ownership, and the 3-Pillars of Agile Quality & Testing. Bob is widely known as a “coach of coaches” because he is a go-to coach for other agile coaches when they’ve hit a particularly challenging context or situation. Learn more about and contact Bob at
Certified Agile Leadership mit Bob Galen
Im Rahmen des Scrum-Days bieten wir Ihnen ein Certified Agile Leadership Training mit dem Keynote Speaker und Buchautor Bob Galen an.
Veronika Kotrba und Ralph Miarka
Veronika Kotrba und Ralph Miarka sind seit 2012 als Coaching- und Trainerteam im agilen Umfeld im deutschsprachigen Raum unterwegs. Ihr Schwerpunkt ist die Verbindung von lösungsfokussierten und agile Ansätzen zur Entwicklung von Unternehmen, Führungskräften und Teams. Ihre Erkenntnisse und Ideen haben sie mit der Veröffentlichung des Buchs „Agile Teams lösungsfokussiert coachen“ mit der Community geteilt. Kundenstimmen zu den angebotenen Trainings und weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite:
Gunther Verheyen
Gunther Verheyen
Gunther is an independent Scrum Caretaker; a connector, writer, speaker, humanizer.
Gunther Verheyen is a longtime Scrum practitioner (2003). After a standing career as a consultant, he became partner to Ken Schwaber and Director of the Professional Scrum series at (2013-2016). Gunther nowadays engages with people and organizations as an independent Scrum Caretaker.
In 2013 Gunther published his much-praised book “Scrum – A Pocket Guide (a smart travel companion)”, by Ken Schwaber recommended as ‘the best description of Scrum currently available’ and ‘an extraordinarily competent book’. In 2016 the Dutch translation was published as “Scrum Wegwijzer (Een kompas voor de bewuste reiziger)”. The German translation was published as “Scrum Taschenbuch” in 2017. An Italian translation (“Scrum – La guida tascabile”) is scheduled for 2018.
When not travelling for Scrum, Gunther lives and works in Antwerp (Belgium).
You can download a PDF of my presentation at